Humbled Daily Article [News]

A totally different kind of style: Faith, fitness come together in special way

By DEVA BAILEY | Staff Writer  

Caleb Rivera (left) and his brother Quinn, along with Jared Iler (not pictured), are helping change people’s perception of humility as a weakness through Humbled Daily.

In society, humility is often perceived as a shortcoming.

But Quinn Rivera, Caleb Rivera and Jared Iler, founders of Humbled Daily, hope to [make] humility a positive attribute.

They recently launched a video describing their mission on Facebook and their Web site

“Humbled Daily is technically a faith and fitness apparel brand,” Caleb said. “In our video we say we are out to redefine humility. A lot of people see humility as a weakness and we’re out to change that and help realize they can grow from being humbled.”

Caleb said the idea came to their minds because of how much time they spend developing their relationship with God and achieving workout goals.

“I think we’ve both just been passionate about faith and fitness for so long that we were looking at a way to integrate the two,” Caleb said. “The biggest goal is to further the Lord’s kingdom. Fitness is an easy way to relate with people and to get on a deeper level with them.”

Quinn said they want to utilize their business as an avenue to share goodness with others.

“We’ve all been big on if you’ve been given a platform to use it,” Quinn said. “Both the two of us [Caleb and I] and Jared think of it as a platform to speak truth to people’s lives.”

Iler said Humbled Daily is not exclusive to CrossFit but their motto can be applied to any form of physical activity.

“Quinn, Caleb and I all fell in love with CrossFit the last couple years,” Iler said. “My former high school teacher Mr. McFadden and his wife Mindy introduced me to the sport and helped me progress. But it’s not just CrossFit – it’s any form of fitness. It could be weight lifting, running, bull riding or any other way you enjoy staying active.”

Quinn said fitness is a relative term.

“We want people to see you can be physically fit, you can be mentally fit and you can be spiritually fit,” Quinn said.

Quinn said in the media being humble is not always recognized.

“All these arrogant and prideful athletes get lifted up on a pedestal and guys who show more humility kind of get swept under the rug and so we are trying to shed humility in a different light,” Quinn said.

Iler designed most of the logos for the T-shirts and the brand plans on adding more items like tank tops and hats in the near future.

Quinn said the apparel and motto can be embraced from the standpoint of either faith or fitness.

“It’s for anyone who likes the platform we are choosing to stand on,” Quinn said. “We think through your faith and your fitness when you are trying to get better you’re going to be humbled along the way.”

Quinn and Caleb both said the word humble teaches the message it is good to seek out and refine your imperfections.

“If you are really seeking to better yourself in aspects of your life I think the only way to explain what can happen is to be humbled,” Quinn said. “For us, a lot of time you do a CrossFit workout and it humbles you. A lot of time you spend some time reading the Bible and you’re humbled by what you read or see.”

Added Caleb: “It’s a way to not settle and always strive for the best,”

Quinn said a goal Humbled Daily has it to be sponsored by well known CrossFit participants who can endorse their brand as a motto.

“A lot of the elite CrossFit athletes pride themselves in a faith first mentality,” Quinn said. “That kind of sparked because we thought ‘hey there are some big names who actually care about their faith and their entire life is fitness.’”

“We are in the process of sending some stuff out to some of those bigger name people we can get a hold of and see if they will bless us by using their platform.”

Quinn said he wishes to live his life to exemplify their brand and be a force for good in the lives of others.

“My hope more than anything is that we can develop a platform big enough to speak into people’s lives,” Quinn said.


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