To Be Humbled - Spoken Word [Video]

Society has been cheated out of the true meaning of humility. We're out to change that.


Poem Lyrics:

What does it mean to be humble?

You see, in our society to be humbled means to be defeated or depleted

And truthfully, through this meaning, society is being cheated.

Others define it as "lowering someone in dignity and importance"

But we're out to redefine humility through modesty and performance.


Now what if I told you that the very lives we live are a testament to our being

Our antics, our actions, and the very words we speak, can all be freeing.

There’s a day coming, a time coming

When everything around you, won't quite look so stunning.

Because this life has its peaks and its oh-so-many valleys

And how we approach each situation will wind up shaping each reality.

So, do we collapse under the pressure and watch as things fall?

Or do we take the opportunity to rise up and answer the call?


Folding under that pressure, it's simply not how we work

We dig deep and push on - some call that reaction a knee jerk.

Now to succeed, we must be prepared to fail

And that doesn't mean we are weak, but instead want to prevail.

Still today, humility isn’t a common word you hear in the gym

Everyone is out to prove themselves, and suppress any weakness within.

See, the truth is, pride comes before the fall

And when we recognize this, we enable ourselves to answer the call.

Work hard and stay humble through our faith and our fitness

That is our mantra and we want you to witness

The change that occurs when we set aside our pride

And strive to live a life like HE who died.

For if we are always on top, we are bound to plateau

Being humbled by life only allows us to grow.


Now what if I told you, and what if you believed

That to be humbled, is actually… to receive.

A gift given to us to keep us grounded

A perfect chisel to chip away imperfections until we’re rounded.

A gift that reveals that there is far more to life than simply what we can see

And far more to us than we might have ever believed.


You can do far more than you imagine, you can be far more than you know

And sometimes being humbled is God giving you a chance to grow.

And that's what we call faith, it's got a way of humbling us too

Through this faith I believe in a man who died on a cross for both me and you.


You see, He paid the ultimate price to give us new life

Ignoring humanities anger, hatred, insults, and strife.

Before that cross, he stood humbled; having lived a life of perfection

But here on Earth, it seemed that all he faced.. was rejection.

And when I learned of the actions that he took, it undoubtedly changed me

In fact, because of it… I am Humbled Dai-ly.


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  • Thank you… This is so true… This is who I am… I am not ashamed, and do not hide… Even though I am rejected, and called weak… I know who works in me and through me… That makes me who I am… He Is my power and strength… He Is my everything… To God All The Glory!

  • Awesome word!


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