A Baby, A Savior - Spoken Word [Video]

"It was for the sake of your soul because He knows what you're worth. And that's exactly why on Christmas we celebrate His birth."

Poem lyrics:

Well here we are… The season is here

There is joy all around, everyones filled with Cheer

It all seems so perfect, as we await A man and his reindeer

It’s no wonder it is called the most wonderful time of the year


We see Joy in the lives of all those around

Peoples eyes seem to twinkle like the lights throughout town

Snowmen stand tall in the yards of so many

As you move through the town spending a pretty penny


You see Christmas is great, and the happiness it brings

But you can’t shake one question, “has it become more about things?”

Santa, snowmen, stockings, and more!

The inadequate feeling that comes from your neighbors décor.


You’ve actually heard there’s a reason for the season we’re in

That some baby was born that would one day die for your sin

What a comical crux that these Christians believe

That this baby would be the greatest gift you could ever receive?


That baby a savior, HA! I don’t believe it

I’m mature in my years, keep your crutch I don’t need it.

Why would a God come in such a vulnerable form?

A baby in a manger… what an awful platform.


But this baby, he does seem to bring people Joy

I don’t understand how all of this comes from a small little boy

But I come to this building every Christmas, and some Sundays too

And I must admit, what they say does seem to ring true


They say Come as you are, and see what god has done….

Clearly speaking of some one else, Because I’m not the one

I know my past, my sin and my current struggle

Me put together?! My life parallels an unfinished puzzle


But it never seems to fail that at this time of year

This little baby boy seems to bring Christmas cheer

And the church tells stories of all that he has done

His forgiveness, his love, how he has overcome


They say who I am now is what makes grace so amazing

To lift up my eyes! Enough of the naval gazing

To set my sights on the God of the universe

Who began as a baby in a manger and gave a gift, we could never reimburse



And what is best of all is that Christmas is just chapter one

To the saga of The savior who has already won

We rejoice in this baby because it’s just the beginning

His narrative reveals that he’ll die for our sinning.


So enjoy your chrismtas and the festivities around you

Because the creator of the world he created those too

But don’t stop for a moment and worship creation as greater

But roll past the created and worship the creator!


Who came to this earth in the most vulnerable fashion

We will never comprehend the depth of his compassion

A baby in a manger born of a virgin teenager

An unlikely hero, that wouldn’t be shaken by danger


They’d mock him and flog him and put him on a cross.

But this baby in the manger, he wouldn’t count it as loss.

It was for the sake of our souls, because he knows what you’re worth

And this is exactly why on Christmas, we celebrate His birth.


So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

But be sure that on this Christmas, you’re shining His light.  

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  • I love it and I pray that God will give you more grace of this

    Moses Lennox
  • I shared this with my church today and what a response. Such a powerful and truthful statement. I was just wondering who the author is of this amazing word.

    Ria Glover

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