2018 Goal Guide

Our guide in a sentence: Patient and persistent in priorities and process.

We know, it's a lot of p's but we believe this short sentence packs a punch when it comes to tackling goals. Before we unpack it, know that this an not a silver bullet remedy. This is simply a blueprint to help orient your mindset and your approach this new year. The beauty of this guide is that it can be applied to any and every area of life: faith, fitness, school, work, relationships - you name it.

Let's break it down:

Patient: Pursuing any goal or dream takes time, lots of time. Despite the magic pill and five-minute abs culture we live in, anything worth anything usually doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience.

Persistent: Being called to patience doesn't mean being called to passivity. You need to remain patient as you continually push hard and strive toward your goal.

“The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.” [Proverbs 21:31]

AKA: do all you can while He does what only He can do.

Priorities: Is spending an hour on Instagram everyday really a priority? Of course not, because deep down we know that we were made for more. We're called to be image bearers of God, to be the hands and feet of God, and to love God and love others as ourselves. So define and arrange your priorities and keep that in the forefront of your mind as you make decisions on your time, recourses, and energy. For us here at Humbled Daily, it looks like this: faith, family, fitness (in that order).

Process: Chasing down any goal demands time and tenacity. It's one foot in front of another over a long period of time. There will be guaranteed days of exhaustion and doubt, so don't forget to zoom out and look at the big picture from 35,000 feet. 

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- Jared Iler // Creative Director at Humbled Daily, Wyoming native and lover of any workout that includes squats and muscle-ups!

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